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LiDAR Classification

Drone LiDAR Point Cloud Classification

Date: December 26, 2022

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems provides an essential guide on LiDAR classification. In under four minutes, you will learn the fundamentals of LiDAR classification, including its definition, importance, and the best practices for classifying LiDAR data.

Kory explains how each LiDAR point within a point cloud can be assigned a classification code, allowing for easy differentiation between various features such as bare Earth ground and high vegetation. The video covers industry-standard classifications by ASPRS as well as custom classifications for specific project needs.

Discover the best methods for LiDAR classification, including automated, semi-automated, and manual processes, and see how tools like SpatialExplorer and LiDARMill can streamline your workflow. Enhance your understanding of LiDAR data and improve the accuracy of your classifications by watching this informative video.

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