Resource Type
Speed: 8 m/s
Point density: ~250 points/m² per line
AGL: 120 m
No Camera Data Full FOV utilized
Speed: 56 mph
Point density: > 110 points/m²
AGL: 275 m
Speed: 56 mph
Point density: > 90 points/m²
AGL: 350 m
Speed: 20-30 mph
Point density: >2000 points/m²
AGL: Ground level
Acquisition time: 1.5 hrs
Speed: Walking pace for SLAM. 6 m/s UAV flight
Point density: thousands of points/m²
AGL: 80 during UAV flight
Acquisition time: ~2 hours
Speed: 6 m/s
Point Density: 200 points/m² per flight line
AGL: 120 m
Acquisition time: 10 minutes
Speed: 40 – 60 mph
Point density: >2000 points/m²
AGL: Ground level
Acquisition time: 3.5 hrs
Speed: 20-40 mph
Point density: thousands of points/m²
AGL: Ground level
Speed: 60 kn
Point density: 21 points/m² per flight line
AGL: 750 m
Acquisition time: 1 hour