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How to colorize lidar data
The Best Way To Colorize LiDAR

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems delves into the importance of accurate LiDAR colorization for creating digital twins. He explains the two main methods available: color draping from orthomosaics and ray tracing techniques. Kory defines key terms, such as orthomosaics, and discusses the pros and cons of each method.

Color draping, while straightforward, often miscolorizes vertical structures and objects. Ray tracing, on the other hand, offers more accurate LiDAR colorization but can be complex without proper tools. Kory recommends using Phoenix LiDAR’s SpatialExplorer and LiDARMill software for the best results, highlighting their advanced ray tracing, color balancing, and seam correction features. Watch the video to learn how to achieve the most precise colorization for your LiDAR projects.

Phoenix LiDAR's Ranger Ultra system
RANGER-ULTRA: Ultimate Airborne Laser Scanner

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems introduces the Ranger Ultra, the ultimate corridor mapping system. The Ranger Ultra is the lightest payload in the Ranger series, combining lightweight design with high performance. It features a unique three-faceted mirror for improved mapping of vertical surfaces, a 100-degree horizontal field of view, and a fast measurement rate of up to 1.8 million pulses per second.

The Ranger Ultra is ideal for applications like power line, railway, and pipeline monitoring, topography, urban surveying, archaeology, agriculture, and forestry. With its powerful 1550 nanometer laser, it penetrates dense vegetation, providing high accuracy and point density.

The system is 37% lighter than the Ranger XL, extending UAV flight endurance without compromising performance. Suitable for both UAV and helicopter use, the Ranger Ultra ensures precise data collection for demanding aerial mapping projects. Watch the video to learn more about its specifications, performance, and how it can enhance your LiDAR projects.

Simplified Lidar data sharing with Cloud Viewer
How to Share LiDAR Data with Anyone

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems addresses the challenges of sharing LiDAR data between service providers and end users. He introduces LiDARMill’s Cloud Viewer, a solution that simplifies the process of sharing detailed photorealistic 3D data. Traditional LiDAR data sharing methods can be cumbersome for end users who may lack the software and skills needed to view and navigate LiDAR data efficiently. Cloud Viewer eliminates these barriers by allowing users to share point clouds and geospatial data through a simple URL link, accessible on any device without the need for an account or login.

Kory explains how to use LiDARMill and Cloud Viewer to upload LAS or LAZ files, incorporate ground control points, mission trajectories, and more. Users can customize appearance parameters, create cross-sections, adjust data visualization, and even generate fly-throughs for presentations. The video emphasizes the ease of use and the powerful features of Cloud Viewer, making it an essential tool for surveyors, engineers, and other professionals who need to share LiDAR data effectively. Watch the video to learn how to streamline your LiDAR data sharing with Phoenix LiDAR’s Cloud Viewer and request a free 30-day trial to experience its benefits firsthand.

SpatialExplorer - LiDAR Processing Software
The Best LiDAR Processing Software

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems introduces SpatialExplorer (SE) and its Pro plugin (SE Pro). SE is a powerful desktop software that simplifies LiDAR and image processing. SE Pro includes tools for trajectory processing, LiDAR and camera calibrations, point cloud classification, and generating raster and vector products.

He explains how SpatialExplorer Pro streamlines workflows from selecting a coordinate reference system to post-processing trajectories with NavLab tools. The software allows for precise point cloud creation and refinement, utilizing features like LiDAR Snap for accuracy. It also offers advanced point cloud colorization and classification tools.

SE Pro generates detailed reports and deliverables, saving time for service providers and providing transparency for end users. Additional tools include change detection and application-specific exports. Watch to learn how SE Pro can enhance your LiDAR projects and request a free trial from Phoenix LiDAR Systems.

LiDARMill - the Most powerful liDAR Software
The Most Powerful and Easy To Use LiDAR Software

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems introduces LiDARMill, a revolutionary cloud-based LiDAR processing software designed to save time and money. LiDARMill automates the entire post-processing workflow, including trajectory post-processing, point cloud classification, colorization, QA/QC reporting, and more.

This video highlights the key benefits of LiDARMill: it is easy to use with an intuitive interface, minimizes hardware and time investment, delivers powerful and accurate results, and simplifies data sharing. The software enables users to visualize, analyze, and share LiDAR data effortlessly through the Cloud Viewer, which can be accessed from any device without needing specialized software.

LiDARMill’s automation capabilities and user-friendly features make it ideal for service providers looking to streamline their workflows and deliver high-quality LiDAR data. Watch the video to learn more about how LiDARMill can enhance your LiDAR processing projects and request a free 30-day trial to experience its benefits firsthand.

Ranger LR - Universal LiDAR
RANGER-LR: The Universal LiDAR System

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems introduces the Ranger-LR, his personal favorite and the most adaptable LiDAR system available. Known as the “universal soldier” of LiDAR mapping systems, the Ranger LR can be used on UAVs, helicopters, and mobile vehicles, offering unmatched versatility for both aerial and ground applications.

The Ranger-LR features the Riegl VUX-1LR22 LiDAR sensor with five-millimeter precision at a 150-meter range and a powerful 1550-nanometer laser that penetrates dense vegetation. It has a maximum range of 1000 meters on 20% reflectance targets and can achieve up to 15 target returns per laser pulse for enhanced vegetation mapping. It collects over 190 points per square meter at 400 feet above ground level from a UAV and over 30 points per square meter at 550 feet from a helicopter.

Ideal for corridor mapping, topography, urban surveying, archaeology, agriculture, and rapid response applications, the Ranger-LR is designed for those seeking a highly adaptable and precise LiDAR system.

Survey Grade LiDAR
What Is Survey Grade LiDAR?

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems explains the meaning behind the term “survey grade LiDAR” and explores different grades of LiDAR with their benefits and drawbacks. Corey delves into the history and context of survey grade accuracy, highlighting how modern tools achieve precise measurements. He defines survey grade accuracy, typically around 10 centimeters or better, and discusses the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing’s positional accuracy standards.

The video covers various accuracy classes of LiDAR, from one centimeter to over three meters, and explains their applications. It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right LiDAR system for specific needs, whether it’s high accuracy drone-based surveys or large-scale mapping projects. Phoenix LiDAR Systems offers a range of solutions that meet these varying requirements, ensuring precise and reliable results.

LiDAR Data collection
I Collected LiDAR Data – Now What?!?!

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems walks you through the five essential steps to process LiDAR data after collection. Starting with raw data, he explains how to transform it into an optimized, colorized, and classified point cloud.

The steps include: post-processing the trajectory to correct flight path errors, generating a point cloud by fusing LiDAR measurements with the optimized trajectory, refining the point cloud’s accuracy with the LiDAR Snap tool, colorizing the point cloud with RGB values from the system’s camera, and classifying the point cloud to extract and segment features like ground, vegetation, and buildings.

This video also demonstrates how these steps are performed using Phoenix LiDAR’s SpatialExplorer software, highlighting the improvements at each stage. By following these steps, you can create accurate 3D models and data derivatives such as digital elevation models, contour maps, and vegetation analysis.

Drone-based LiDAR explained Video Cover
UAV/Drone LiDAR Explained

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems explains the technology required to produce high-accuracy drone-based LiDAR data. Corey delves into the hardware components necessary for LiDAR acquisition, including the GNSS antenna and receiver for positioning, the IMU for orientation, the LiDAR sensor for measuring angles and distances, a CPU for real-time calculations, and an SSD for data storage.

The video demonstrates how these components work together to generate accurate 3D point clouds and offers tips for optimizing data accuracy, such as using a GNSS reference station and performing boresight alignment calibration. Understanding these technologies and best practices ensures the highest quality drone-based LiDAR data for various applications.
