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lidar applications for various industries
Industries That Use LiDAR To Improve Everyday Life

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems explains how LiDAR technology impacts five critical industries and enhances everyday life. He explores LiDAR applications in surveying, utility management, roadway construction, mining, and maritime operations.

In surveying, LiDAR is used to map topography for floodplain analysis, property surveys, and land development, offering increased accuracy and safety. Utility management benefits from LiDAR by monitoring vegetation encroachment on power lines and assessing damage to pipelines, railways, and waterways, ensuring timely maintenance and safety. In roadway construction, LiDAR helps with planning, as-built mapping, and maintenance assessments, reducing project time and enhancing road safety.

The mining industry uses LiDAR for accurate volume measurements and safe monitoring of mining operations, while maritime applications rely on bathymetric LiDAR for underwater mapping, ensuring safe boat passage and efficient shipping of goods.

LiDAR explanation Video Cover
What Is LiDAR? A Brief Explanation

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems introduces the fundamentals of LiDAR technology. You’ll learn about the purpose of LiDAR, its applications, how it works, and its components. LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing tool used to measure 3D features quickly and accurately. It’s widely used in vegetation mapping, utility management, roadway construction, mining, and bathymetric mapping.

The video explains how LiDAR emits laser pulses to measure distances, with the system recording the time it takes for the light to return. This data, combined with positioning and orientation information from GPS and IMU sensors, creates a detailed 3D point cloud. Multiple returns from a single pulse allow LiDAR to capture data through vegetation and other obstacles.

This video also highlights practical uses of LiDAR data, such as estimating tree height, measuring power line sag, and detecting changes in topography.

Interested in learning more about how LiDAR works? Read our more in depth article on LiDAR fundamentals.

M300 Mountable LiDAR systems
The Best DJI M300 UAV LiDAR Solutions – RECON-XT & MiniRANGER-3

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems guides viewers on choosing the right DJI M300 mountable LiDAR solution. He compares the Phoenix Recon XT and the MiniRanger 3, both of which are high-performance, survey-grade systems adaptable for UAV and mobile mapping applications. He also highlights the intrinsic differences between a higher-powered single laser system and a lower-powered multi-laser system to help users understand their specific use cases.

The video showcases real-world applications of these systems. It includes a detailed look at a project site where Scott McGowan from Kestrel Aerial uses the MiniRanger 3 Lite and the Recon XT. The MiniRanger 3 Lite, known for its precision and adaptability, excels in high-density point collection and meets USGS quality level 0 specifications. The Recon XT, valued for its performance in dense vegetation and its wide vertical field of view, is ideal for environments with heavy foliage.

Throughout the video, viewers see practical demonstrations of each system’s capabilities, including data visualization and analysis. The video concludes with a recap, emphasizing the importance of selecting the appropriate LiDAR system for specific project requirements, whether for land development, utility infrastructure, or vegetation mapping.

How to choose the right lidar payloads
How to Choose the Right LiDAR Payload for Long-Range Mapping

In this video, Kory Kellum from Phoenix LiDAR Systems discusses selecting the right tool for high altitude LiDAR mapping, focusing on the Ranger series. Phoenix LiDAR Systems offers the Ranger XL, Ultra, and Ranger LR, which excel in long-range capability, precision, accuracy, and point density. These systems are the lightest and highest performing on the market, capable of a 1.5 megahertz measurement rate, over a 750-meter range on 20% reflectance targets, and can produce up to 15 returns per pulse, meeting USGS quality level zero specifications.

Kory details the similarities of the Ranger systems, including their weight, performance, and compatibility with UAVs and crewed aircraft, before exploring their differences and specific use cases. The Ranger XL is ideal for high altitude mapping with a wide field of view and fast data acquisition, making it perfect for high point density corridor mapping such as power line, railway track, and pipeline inspection. It has the longest range in the Ranger lineup, suitable for high altitude projects with fixed-wing or rotorcraft.

The Ranger Ultra combines weight, range, accuracy, and pulse rate with a unique forward and rear-looking field of view to minimize laser shadowing. It features a three-faceted mirror for improved vertical surface mapping and is ideal for UAV-based high point density corridor mapping projects requiring precision and accuracy.

The Ranger LR is the most adaptable, designed for demanding mapping applications with a 360-degree field of view, making it compatible with mobile, UAV, and helicopter-based mapping. It can penetrate dense vegetation and offers unparalleled versatility.

Kory emphasizes that the Ranger series provides turnkey solutions for various mapping needs, whether for wide area, corridor, or adaptable mapping applications. He encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and contact the sales team to find the right tool for their specific needs.

Recon A vs DJI Zenmuse
Phoenix LiDAR RECON-A vs. DJI Zenmuse L1

Join Kory Kellum, Senior Software Engineer at Phoenix LiDAR Systems, as he explores the advanced capabilities of Phoenix LiDAR’s mapping technology in their May 2022 webinar. Phoenix LiDAR specializes in compact, adaptable, survey-grade systems for various platforms like UAVs, cars, and backpacks, and offers robust post-processing software, including LiDARMill and SpatialExplorer Pro.

Phoenix LiDAR, based in Austin, Texas, contrasts with DJI’s recent entry into the LiDAR market. Phoenix offers comprehensive solutions, ensuring high-quality data acquisition and processing, supported by robust customer service. The Recon A system, with its superior APS-C camera sensor and vibration dampening kit, is compared to DJI’s Zenmuse L1, which is limited to the Matrice 300. The Recon A’s IMU is notably more accurate, reducing drift and improving data reliability.

Phoenix LiDAR’s LiDARMill offers advanced features like flight line splitting, ground control adjustments, AI classification, and detailed QC reports, which are not available in DJI’s Terra Pro. This comprehensive processing capability ensures high accuracy and quality in deliverable data products. A comparative analysis of data from DJI’s L1 and Phoenix LiDAR’s Recon A showcases significant differences in accuracy and precision. The Recon A system demonstrated superior performance, particularly in terms of reducing warping and improving overall data quality.

For those seeking accurate, high-quality LiDAR solutions, Phoenix LiDAR Systems provides a superior alternative with extensive support and advanced features.

Applying High-Resolution UAV LiDAR and QSM for Estimating Tree Attributes
Applying High-Resolution UAV LiDAR and Quantitative Structure Modelling for Estimating Tree Attributes in a Crop-Livestock Forest System

This whitepaper delves into the innovative use of high-density LiDAR data and Quantitative Structure Modelling (QSM) to estimate individual tree attributes, traditionally predicted by field-derived allometric models. Leveraging LiDAR data collected by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), we evaluated the accuracy of QSM in determining key tree metrics such as diameter at breast height (dbh), tree height, volume, and aboveground biomass components (stem, branch, and total).

Our study compares two QSM approaches: integrating QSM-derived dbh and height into field-based equations for volume estimation, and deriving tree volume directly from QSM. Despite a slight overestimation tendency, the models demonstrated satisfactory performance, highlighting QSM’s potential to provide detailed and extensive tree attribute estimates.

This method offers a promising alternative for forest management decision-making, especially in analyzing tree architecture and biomass. The findings underscore the value of UAV-LiDAR and QSM in enhancing the precision and scope of forest attribute assessments.

Ranger Series LiDAR on Helicopter
The RANGER Series: A Revolution in Helicopter LiDAR Solutions

Join Phoenix LiDAR Systems and SkySkopes for a quick fly through video focused on the RANGER series of helicopter based mapping solutions. SkySkopes is a top-tier data service provider that operates a wide variety of advanced sensors and aircraft for transmission and distribution line inspections, oil and gas applications, and many other innovative use cases that focus on adding value.

Mobile LiDAR Mapping Data
An Inside Look at Mobile LiDAR & Imagery Data Processing

Join Kory Kellum, Senior Geomatics Engineer at Phoenix LiDAR Systems, in this February 2022 webinar as he introduces flexible LiDAR mapping solutions tailored to diverse customer needs. Since 2013, Phoenix LiDAR has pioneered innovations like the first commercial UAV LiDAR system and the LiDARMill cloud-based post-processing platform.

Kory highlights the new mobile data processing features in SpatialExplorer 7, emphasizing its high data density, accuracy, and efficiency. Ideal for applications like roadway design, bridge surveys, and asset inventory, mobile LiDAR mapping offers detailed data collection without lane closures or traffic disruptions.

SpatialExplorer 7 provides comprehensive mobile LiDAR processing with robust automated camera and LiDAR calibration, supporting multiple platforms to integrate mobile and aerial data seamlessly. The software includes mission guidance tools for complete data collection, navigation data processing options, and LiDAR Snap 4 for trajectory optimization.

Camera Snap 2 offers automated calibration of 360-degree imagery from the Ladybug camera, featuring custom mask creation and improved RGB extraction. The software generates various quality control reports, ensuring data accuracy and saving users time.

Corey demonstrates a mobile processing workflow in Spatial Explorer 7, covering trajectory clipping, point cloud generation, and calibration. The video concludes with examples of point cloud optimization and classification.

In the Q&A session, Kory and Dr. Ben Adler discuss the capabilities of Phoenix LiDAR’s systems, their applications, data processing options, and integration with other tools. They also highlight the flexibility of Spatial Explorer 7 in handling various data types and supporting different coordinate systems.

high-density uav-lidar scan of integrated crop
High-Density UAV-LiDAR in an Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest System: Sampling Forest Inventory or Forest Inventory Based on Individual Tree Detection (ITD)

This whitepaper presents a novel approach to forest inventory within integrated crop-livestock-forest systems using high-density UAV-LiDAR point clouds. Focusing on Eucalyptus benthamii seed forest plantations, we utilized the GatorEye UAV-LiDAR system to compare two forest inventory methods: Sampling Forest Inventory (SFI) with various plot arrangements and Individual Tree Detection (ITD).

By analyzing a point cloud with over 1400 points per square meter, we assessed basal area and volume estimates using both field and LiDAR-measured heights. We compared the number of trees, basal area, and volume per hectare across different scenarios, using statistical analysis to evaluate accuracy and equivalence. Our results show that the SFI approach with a 2300 m² area provides estimates comparable to the ITD method, with minimal error and improved processing efficiency.

This study offers valuable insights for selecting optimal plot sizes in forest inventories, enhancing precision in integrated crop-livestock-forest systems.
