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LiDARmill Updates
LiDARMill New Features Release!

In this Phoenix LiDAR Systems webinar, hosted by Conrad Conterno, discover the latest features and updates in their cloud processing software, LiDARMill, for early 2021. Phoenix LiDAR Systems specializes in comprehensive mapping solutions, covering the entire data collection and finalization process. Conrad introduces LiDARMill, a cloud-based automated data processing software designed to streamline workflows and maximize accuracy. This powerful tool handles navigation data, LiDAR data calibration, point cloud creation, and includes built-in QC tools along with an online data viewer.

The webinar highlights several new features in LiDARMill, including an overhauled coordinate reference system (CRS) wizard that ensures accuracy from the beginning, enhanced ground control point (GCP) handling which allows designation of points as control or check, and improved accuracy reporting based on these checkpoints. There is also a new option for generating tiled results, particularly useful for managing large projects, and comprehensive documentation to guide users. Additionally, the deployment of the new SpatialExplorer 6 core significantly enhances data quality and calibration precision.

A major upcoming feature is a machine learning-based automated classification pipeline, currently in beta testing and tailored for utility data sets. This AI classifier aims to save time and increase classification accuracy by automatically identifying various features in point cloud data.

Conrad demonstrates these features within the LiDARMill interface, highlighting the importance of setting the correct CRS and using the updated GCP configuration tool. He also showcases the new tiled data download option and the ease of accessing online documentation.

During the Q&A session led by Dr. Ben Adler, various topics are addressed, including support for third-party systems, mobile LiDAR processing, reference station-less processing, and manual classification. Ben discusses the handling of large data sets, the new AI classification pipeline, and the visualization of reference stations within the cloud viewer.

Viva .LAS Vegas!

As most of you are undoubtedly aware, COVID-19 pandemic concerns have forced many businesses including all casinos along the Las Vegas strip to temporarily shut their doors. Since everyone is now advised to stay away from this area, the Phoenix LiDAR team would like to give you the next best thing – a virtual tour! Check out a beautifully colorized LiDAR scan of the Las Vegas strip collected with our Phoenix Ranger LR solution and multi-camera array by manned helicopter.

We have also included another data set to share what is possible when you utilize LiDAR data as a baseline for ground and flat surfaces, to enhance dense image matching within a third party product like Context Capture to create a robust mesh model.

There were no interiors scanned this time around. So, sadly there will be no table games or showgirls on this particular tour. However, please enjoy this impressive data set, and experience the majesty of the Vegas strip safely from your home! Happy touring and stay safe out there!

LiDARMill Version 2
LiDARMill Version 2

We’re excited to announce the release of LiDARMill v2! LiDARMill v2 takes automated post-processing to the next level. In our recent webinar, we covered some of the new improvements and features including:

  • Imagery Processing in LiDARMill
  • Ground Control Reporting and Adjustments
  • Robust Coordinate System Handling
  • A Workflow Overview and Demonstration
  • Multi-Mission Processing Support
  • Advanced Point Cloud Filtering Options
  • RGB Thermal & Fusion
  • Accuracy Reporting
  • Automated LiDAR and Camera Calibration Options
  • Near-Real Time (NRT) Reference Station Positioning for Projects Requiring Less Than 24 Hour Turn-around Time
  • Trajectory Post-Processing Without Reference Stations

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about LiDARMill v2, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d be happy to help!
