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RANGER-LR | Bridge Transportation

Point Density: 9200 points per m^2
Height: 20 m AGL
Speed: 6 m/s 
Data Acquisition Time: 10 minutes

RANGER-LR | Dense Vegetation River Corridor

Point Density: 320 points per m^2
Height: 80 m AGL 
Speed: 8 m/s  
Data Acquisition Time: 7 minutes

RECON-XT┃ UAS Mapping Mission

Point Density: 510 points per m^2
Height: 80 m AGL
Speed: 6 m/s
Data Acquisition Time: 3 minutes

RANGER-U120┃ UAS Mapping Mission

Point Density: 582 points per m^2
Height: 120m AGL (approx.) 
Speed: 12m/s (approx.)  
Data Acquisition Time: 3 minutes

RANGER-XL + 4Band┃Wide Area Mapping

Point Density: 168 points per m^2
Height: 320m AGL 
Speed: 55 knots 
Data Acquisition Time: 26 minutes

Traditional Survey vs LiDAR technology
Traditional Survey vs LiDAR

Explore the transformative role of LiDAR technology in urban development through EHRA’s use of the Mini-Ranger LiDAR system. This video highlights how EHRA, a leading engineering firm, utilizes drone LiDAR to revolutionize urban planning and project management. 

The Mini-Ranger system, acclaimed for its precision in terrain and vegetation data collection, enables efficient project execution and detailed site analysis, ensuring cost-effective management and enhanced flood prevention strategies.

Join Aaron Kelsey, EHRA’s Senior Survey CAD Tech and Drone Program Manager, as he discusses the system’s capacity to survey extensive areas swiftly, reducing both time and labor costs significantly. 

The reliability and high-quality data collection of the Mini-Ranger system have proven essential in multiple large-scale projects, supported by the excellent customer service from Phoenix LiDAR.

This session also covers the evolution from traditional survey methods to advanced LiDAR technology, underscoring its accuracy and the objective data crucial for drainage studies and boundary surveys. Celebrate Phoenix LiDAR’s decade of innovation and discover how their technology is pivotal in advancing urban engineering practices.

ERHA Engineering Interview on Mini-Ranger LiDAR System
Behind the Success of EHRA’s Urban Projects: The Mini-Ranger LIDAR System

Discover the revolutionary impact of LiDAR technology in urban development with EHRA’s utilization of the Mini-Ranger LiDAR system. In this video, learn how EHRA, a leading engineering firm, leverages drone LiDAR for advanced urban planning and project management. 

The Mini-Ranger system is celebrated for its precision in terrain and vegetation mapping, facilitating rapid and accurate data collection that drives efficient, cost-effective project outcomes.

Join Aaron Kelsey, EHRA’s Senior Survey CAD Tech and Drone Program Manager, as he discusses the system’s transformative effects on large-scale surveying—reducing both time and labor costs significantly. He also highlights its crucial role in flood prevention by providing detailed elevation data for effective drainage and water flow management.

The video also explores the evolution of surveying from traditional methods to cutting-edge GPS and LiDAR technologies, enhancing the reliability of data collection. With Phoenix LiDAR’s support, EHRA continues to push boundaries in urban engineering, making significant strides in project accuracy and efficiency.

Discover the groundbreaking impact of LIDAR technology in urban development with EHRA’s innovative use of the Mini-Ranger LIDAR system. In this insightful video, we delve into how EHRA, a leading engineering firm, leverages the power of Drone LIDAR and the MiniRanger system to revolutionize urban planning and project management.

The Benefits of Laser Scanning in Geospatial Engineering

LiDAR technology, a groundbreaking innovation in the realm of surveying and remote sensing, has been a game-changer for many industries. With its ability to provide accurate and detailed data, it’s no wonder that professionals and organizations are rapidly adopting this technology. Among the most notable advancements in this field is the use of drones for LiDAR. This video delves deep into the environmental and technical challenges faced in drone-based LiDAR, drawing insights from industry experts James Kessner and Aaron Handl of Encompass Services.

DOT Drone LiDAR Accuracy Research Cover
DOT Drone LiDAR Accuracy Research

This video features Professor Michael Starek from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, as he discusses the innovative use of drone LiDAR technology by geomatics students to map and protect coastal habitats. 

Through a detailed interview, Professor Sterk explains how they employ Phoenix LiDAR systems, including the high-end Ranger LR and the cost-effective Recon XT-A, to accurately measure microtopographic changes in sensitive wetland areas. 

These drone-based systems provide crucial data for understanding coastal erosion, vegetation dynamics, and the impacts of sea level rise, with a focus on precision and the ability to capture minute changes in terrain that are vital for environmental monitoring and conservation.

The video highlights the practical applications of LiDAR in geomatics, demonstrating its significance in environmental science and the advantages of using drones over traditional aircraft for detailed and localized data collection. Professor Sterk emphasizes the career opportunities in geomatics, noting the high demand for trained professionals in this growing field.
